How are you? [topic 6]

❌ I’m ugly, thanks.

Yes I used to do this every time I walked by a mirror and did a double take. Is that my face? That can’t be my face. A haggard face with dark, baggy circles under the eyes that seems to have aged 10 years in the span of a few months looks back at me. I was aging at an accelerated pace. I felt ugly, but do you really want to hear that? Wait but yes before I found all my products I did feel this above for many many years did I share this with people no I didn’t because it was hard for me too because I didn't want to feel bad for myself but I also didn't want others to feel bad about me as well. I stopped looking in the mirror and telling myself that I was ugly. Was it hard to do this yes it was I made myself write on my mirror I am pretty over and over every morning. To this day I am so thankful that I am aging younger and who wouldn’t want that right. 

Hypothyroidism - Hormonal and Metabolic Disorders - Merck Manuals Consumer Version.pdf
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